شب هاي پرستاره

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

● I didn't plan on writing today but I saw a very dear friend left me a message! I could feel the blood running through my vains to stay awake and write!

The rest of the story of Hoboken:
I have 2 very close friends, Lerna and Olga, Lerna just graduated this semester and is going to start working ! She does something related to security for a company. She is a very cool, trustable friend, It took about two years to get this close to each other because we both are very laid back and time and working together in the same department, also cultural similarities (She is an Armenian from Turky) made us closeer and closer. She always listens, any time I need her.

Olga is from Ukrain. I can't describe her but we are very much like each other, On the things we do, the music we like, the talents,the life style, Almost every thing. Maybe this is why I can't describe it, because I can't describe myself.

Olga was is Kiev for about 3 weeks and now she is back. Today we finally got a chance to meet! All three of us. In the summer most of Hoboken restaurants have tables outside in the walkway. It's amazing to sit there and watch people passing by and have a beer!
I had a chicken wrap and a Stella ( It's a kind of beer)! The food was very spicy, so I didn't enjoy a good meal! I like food to be reasonably spiced. For those of who haven't tried Stella it's kind of strong, It kicks in immediately, I'm still a little dizzy.
Olga was saying that when she was back home she felt like things were different. She said I thought at the beginning that everyone else was different but later on she realizes that the one that is different is her. The way she lives, the way she talks, who she is, is more structured. She has been living on her own. She made up a new personality. How she has a personal space.
I have to go to bed now! My eyes don't stay open. I'll continue talking about "changes" later!


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In other sense, the clipping path is like creating a path that will remove the bars from the photo. As the name suggests, it clips a path. It points that the path that you not need gets clipped. The ClippingPath Service Provider is able to bring the change in the photos. Applying the Photoshop tool, the provider does the task.
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تقدم شركة رش مبيدات حشرية بالرياض رش الشقق والمصانع والشركات والفلل وتستخدم أجود أنواع المبيدات المستخدمة فى رش الحشرات وأبادتها ومكافحتها والقضاء عليها وذلك بأيدي مدربة على أعمال رش المبيد وتقوم بمكافحة إبادة جميع أنواع الحشرات واصطياد الفئران ومكافحة الأرضة والنمل الابيض والفئران والصراصير وغيرها من الحشرات ودائماً ما تكون الحشرات مزعجة فى المكان الذي تتواجد فيه وتسع جميع السيدات لإيجاد طرق للتخلص منه من أجل أن تقضى عليها نهائياً وشركتنا تتخصص فى أعمال المكافحة والقضاء على الحشرات بشكل مميز وتقديم أفضل النصائح المثالية المميزة فى المكافحة والتى تضمن لك الإبادة دون أن يتم عودة الحشرات إلى المباني السكنية.
We the BRS team which stands for Background Removal Service are providing you with highly graphic design and photo editing and obviously the most popular brand identity design at your cost. Do Visit to have the view of creative ideas of designs. Creative designs do help to grab the attraction of the customers. Make your own business flourish with powerful design concept today!

Photo Background Editor plays a key role in removing the background of the photo. The editor needs to remain highly careful while removing the background. The service is an essential one for the online business community


Image masking is a powerful background changer while clipping method does not work.Image Masking This process is used to change or remove the background of an image of a target object which has hairy, fuzzy or soft edge like a dog or curly hair of a girl or transparent background like glass.


Color correction is the process to change the color of an image or video..Shadow Creation It means correcting the lighting, white color balance, red or blue color balance, so that the image looks more clear or natural

Shadow Creation is the process to change the color of an image or video..Shadow Creation It means correcting the lighting, white color balance, red or blue color balance, so that the image looks more clear or natural

Shadow Creation is the process to change the color of an image or video..Shadow Creation It means correcting the lighting, white color balance, red or blue color balance, so that the image looks more clear or natural
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